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Help us raise funds with our BFFs to support local spay and neuter clinics.

Big Fix Friends Toy Shop BFF
Big Fix Friends Toy Shop BFF

What is The Big Fix?

The Big Fix is our way to help out local spay and neuter clinics! By donating half of every BFF’s price to partnering clinics that provide affordable spay and neuter surgeries for pets and stray colonies, we aim to fix this big problem, with your help!

Big Fix Friends toy

Why is spay and neuter so important?

Cat looking up at a dog
Lisa Van Buskirk, Senior Vice President, Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA

“Spay and neuter is the most effective way to fight pet overpopulation and decrease the number of unaltered, homeless, and unwanted pets. During the last 70 years, we have seen that altering animals has been instrumental in decreasing the number of incoming animals, thereby reducing our euthanasia rate by 99% in San Mateo County.”

“We recognize that spay/neuter surgery not only reduces the homeless pet population in Napa County, but also helps pets live a longer, healthier life while reducing unwanted behaviors such as marking their territory, roaming in search of a mate, and fighting with other animals.”

Natalie Scott, Development Director, Napa Humane
Maria Pydrek, Chief DVM and Animal Core Officer, Pasadena Humane

“Studies have shown that spayed or neutered pets live longer than their unaltered counterparts. This procedure helps to significantly reduce certain behaviors and eliminates the risk of many common cancers. This means more shared years of a happy and healthy bond with your pet.”

Two bunnies
Our adorable BFFs are a limited-edition collaboration with SnugArooz, so once they’re gone – they’re gone for good. But don’t worry, we’ll be coming out with new BFFs in the future! Shop BFF

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Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly does it mean for an animal to be spayed/neutered?

Spay and neuter is the surgical process of removing an animal’s reproductive organs. Animals that have been spayed/neutered can also be referred to as fixed, altered, or sterilized.

For female animals, spaying includes the removal of ovaries and the uterus. Doing so means that they won’t be able to reproduce and won’t experience heat cycles. For male animals, neutering entails the removal of their testicles, which means that they can’t reproduce. All animals are put under general anesthesia during the surgery, and recovery typically takes about 10 – 14 days.

Can I only get my pet spayed and neutered at the vet’s office?

No, while many traditional vets do offer spay and neuter services, it often comes at a high price that may dissuade pet parents from getting their animals fixed. Fortunately, there are many resources that offer more affordable, low-cost options at their local or mobile clinics.

Find a Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic Near You

At what age should my pet be spayed/neutered?

Animals can be spayed/neutered as early as 2 months of age, and it’s suggested that pets receive the surgery before sexual maturity. Cats and small dogs are typically spayed/neutered around 5 – 6 months of age, while larger breed dogs can undergo the procedure around 9 – 15 months of age. Of course, it’s always suggested to consult with your vet about what timing will work best for your pet.

Will spaying/neutering change an animal’s personality?

While spaying/neutering an animal may result in less aggression and a reduced likelihood of territorial spraying, the surgery doesn’t not change their personality.

Should stray or feral animals be spayed and neutered?

Yes, we strongly believe that all animals should be spayed and neutered regardless of whether they’re already someone’s pet or not. Some of our partnering clinics have Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) programs that work to capture and neuter/spay feral cats in their communities before releasing them back into their environment. If you’re interested in TNR check out our map of participating clinics to see if there’s a program near you.

How can I support spay and neuter clinics?

Some of the biggest challenges that spay and neuter clinics face include funding and staffing.

Many spay and neuter clinics are funded by donations from individuals and organizations, but that isn’t always enough to cover medical expenses and labor. One of the best ways to support your local clinic is to make donations. Monetary donations can go toward medical expenses, facility needs, and other necessary costs to keep clinics open and running.

Volunteering is another amazing way you can help! Your time and care can go toward supporting administrative needs, cat and dog socialization, fostering animals, or even outreach and advocacy.

Find a Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Clinic Near You

Can I use my Pet Food Express employee discount on the Big Fix Friends?

No, the employee discount can’t be used on the Big Fix Friends.